Saturday, December 20, 2014

Auto Seat Back Protector by Dot&Dot

The Auto Seat Back Protector form From Dot & Dot is a came neatly wrapped in a pouch for storage when not in use. The cover itself is black and comes to fit an adjustable seat size. The material is durable and washable after little feet have found their way all over it. It is a great idea and it saves the backs of your seats from mud and other damage from feet. It is very cost effective at $9.99 on Amazon I received this product for free however I do not recommend products that I do not like and use.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Seaweed Complex Lotion

This lotion is so light and refreshing for the face. My face still feel clean after applying the serum and moisturizer and that is a big deal to me. Seaweed Complex Lotion Is Natural and Organic. It is claimed to be anti aging,I do not know for sure but I know that after use my face was glowing and bright.I really like this lotion.I received this product for free but I do not recommend products that I do not use myself.

Hyaluronic Acid Serum Review

Hyaluronic Acid Serum came to me in a package that was improper for its box. The box was bent when I received it and the lid was not sealed either. Nevertheless I tried the product and I am pleased with its performance. After just a few days I am seeing less wrinkles and my face seems less porous as well. The pump bottle of liquid works well and fits well with the rest of my beauty regimen. You apply the serum after the toner and before the moisturizer. It takes very little to cover the whole face so the 1 oz bottle should last for a while. The cost of $35.95 seems a bit high but if it works as good as they claim it may be worth it. They claim to make my skin glow and I must say that it is. I received this product for free but I do not recommend products that I do not use myself.

Argan Oil....Oh Boy its Heavy

I received a bottle of Argan Oil neatly packed in a glass bottle with a squeeze dropper lid. It is easy to use and has many uses. It lists on the bottle that it can be used on your face, your hair, your nails and your body. I tried it on my face and felt it was too heavy for my face. My face felt dirty and oily like I had not cleaned it at all. I felt bad and wanted to give it a shot so I decided I would give it a try on my very dry feet. So I have been putting it on my feet in the morning and at night for the past two days and my feet feel much softer. The dry skin is ready to be scraped off and the rest of my feet are very soft. I did use a little bit in my hair as well and I noticed a shine on my hair. I have heard that using a good oil on your hair promotes growth but I have not used it long enough to see if it is true or not. The oil has a slight odor which I would say is a little bit like Valerian root if you have ever smelled that. It's not enough to turn you off to it once it is applied tho. It comes at a reasonable price of $14.95 for a large 4oz bottle and ships in two days if you have amazon prime. I received this product for free and I only recommend products that I use myself

Beginner's Waltz One and Two

Beginner's Waltz One and Volume Two are very thorough at teaching the layman how to do the waltz. The couple break it down from the very basic box step from different angles and individually so that the man and the woman can each learn their part. If you are having a difficult time keeping up it is easy enough to go back to the beginning of the chapter and relearn. They layer the learning so it is plenty easy to keep up even for clumsy feet like me. The couple is pleasant and even share a bit of Waltz history in the beginning of the video which I never knew that the Waltz was the first dance that brought man and woman into an embrace while dancing so that was interesting. Overall I feel I could learn to dance from these two videos. OI received this product for free and I only recommend products that use myself

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"WE PLAY" Review

  .com/?code=TOP70f390f8aa85efbf0852cb17173a576d" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="" /></a>

I just finished reading the book We Play by Katrina Strenza and illustrated by Jade Goegebuer. It is a children's book designed to level up your child's reading talents.  I would say the author used vocabulary appropriate for a beginning reader. There is a list of vocabulary words posted in the back of the book for learning which I felt was beneficial for a parent purchasing this book for their child, that way they can tell if it is their level or not. The story is very basic with a few words on each page which would give the beginning reader a story to go with the animated pictures. The story is about playing and it shows many examples of playing that a young child can identify with to keep them interested in the story. It is not too long which would keep a child engaged. The illustrations were colorful and fun to look at. They followed the story perfectly so a young child learning to read can get the gist of what the story is from the pictures. Overall I feel the author and illustrator did good work pulling the story together.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.