Sunday, August 31, 2014

Quitting Smoking

Yesterday, I took the plunge. I put on a patch and called it quits on my 21 years of smoking. I have been sick as a dog, which I don't really understand that phrase because he is healthy as a horse. lol But the truth is the patches have been keeping me up at night and giving me crazy dreams.

Let me tell you about this first dream I had. There were two women and me in a hospital bed. They were quite older than me. One had one so much make up. She looked like a total clown. The other was normal. I was at the end of the bed with my lap top open and had praise music playing and was rubbing the one woman's feet that had on all of the make up.

Can you say crazy!

So these patches are not really taking away my urge to smoke, I still crave a cigarette like every 5 minutes. I am trying to find some activities to get me through so I thought blogging would help. I am also journaling and playing with my dog Hooch.

It really is a struggle to give up something you have done faithfully for 21 years. I have smoked through illness and persecution. Do you know how hard it is to still light a cigarette when your cute little child is telling you the reasons why you should't smoke and the main one is them. That is tough stuff. But when it comes down to it, it has to be your own choice to quit. No badgering, no bribing, just a decision to quit.

Along my struggle I have taken up smoking little cigars which are no nicotine and I only smoke them when I am craving so bad that i can not fight the urge. For a one to two pack a day smoker that is often but I only take a drag or two. This really is a struggle I tell you.  The patches only help so much the rest has to be my will not to smoke. Well I will let you know more as the days go by about my successes and struggles of quitting smoking but for now over and out.

God Bless.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


Hello, I am starting this blog so that I can get some of my thoughts out and share my life with those that may be interested. The content of the blog will be about the simple life, living in a small town and my family life and my relationship with Christ.